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Florida Injury Attorney

Head Rush Technologies Recalls 220 Auto-Belay Devices


Are you a climbing enthusiast? If so, you should be aware that Head Rush Technologies has recently recalled 220 auto-belay devices. Auto-belayers are mechanical devices that are used when climbing indoor walls to help keep the climber safe. Typically, you would require a belaying partner to climb. The auto-belay device removes the need for a human partner. The device is permanently mounted at the top of the climbing route and automatically manages the climber’s safety rope. They can also control the descent if the climber falls or lets go. The device allows a climber to safely descend after a speed climbing event.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently announced the recall of 220 such auto-belay devices manufactured by Head Rush Technologies. According to the recall, the auto belay device backup brake can fail to activate, posing a fall hazard and a risk of serious injury or death.

Consumers are being advised to immediately stop using the auto belay devices and contact Head Rush Technologies for a free inspection and repair. Head Rush Technologies has stated that they’re contacting all known purchasers directly.

At present, Head Rush Technologies has received one report of a brake failure resulting in a fall and a broken ankle.

Product liability lawsuits 

At present, there is one report of an individual who was injured by the device. According to the CPSC’s update, this customer broke their ankle in a fall when the auto belay device failed. This individual would be entitled to file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer, Head Rush Technologies, and recover damages related to their medical expenses, lost wages, and reduced quality of life.

When a customer purchases a device such as this, they are entrusting their lives to it working properly. A fall from a height can result in severe injuries, broken bones, head trauma, and traumatic brain injury. In this case, the customer was lucky to suffer only a broken ankle.

Liability in defective product lawsuits 

Manufacturers are strictly liable for the products they place into the stream of commerce. This means that a plaintiff does not necessarily have to prove negligence. They only need to establish that they were using the device in a way that could be readily anticipated by the manufacturer, and in the process of using the device, were injured when it failed. The customer has a reasonable expectation that the device will operate as advertised. When it fails, the company that manufactured the device is liable for damages to the injured customer.

Talk to a Florida Product Liability Lawyer Today 

Halpern, Santos & Pinkert represent the interests of injured consumers who have suffered serious injury as a result of a defective product. Call our Florida personal injury lawyers today to schedule a consultation, and we can begin discussing how you could recover damages related to your medical expenses, lost wages, and reduced quality of life.



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