Florida Fountain Blamed For Electrocution Injuries And Death

One adult was killed and four others were injured after a fountain allegedly electrocuted them at a Jupiter Shopping Mall. The Jupiter police department and Palm Beach County Fire and Rescue responded to a call that a distressed child was in the fountain. Good Samaritans attempted to help the child who was in the water. Five individuals were injured and transported to local hospitals. One individual eventually died as a result of the electrocution injuries that they sustained. Three children are still recovering from their injuries at the hospital.
It appears that the adults were attempting to help the child get out of the fountain when they were electrocuted. All told, 8 individuals were treated for injuries and 5 sustained injuries that were severe enough to require medical intervention.
Premises liability and electrocution lawsuits
Proprietors and owners of property are responsible for ensuring that their premises are safe. In this case, the Jupiter Shopping Mall had a dangerous water fountain that had electrified water in it. Those injured may be able to file a lawsuit against the shopping center for allowing a dangerous condition to cause injury on their premises. It seems likely that a lawsuit will be filed for the wrongful death of one of the individuals who attempted to render aid to the child. The parents of the children who sustained injury can also file a lawsuit against the shopping center.
In a premises liability lawsuit, the plaintiff must establish that the defendant was negligent. In these cases, they must be able to establish that the dangerous condition was either known to the defendant or should have been known. They can also file suit when the defendant created a dangerous condition that led to injury.
In this case, no lawsuits have yet been filed. However, there is a strong possibility that plaintiffs will emerge from this case. Each of the individuals who ended up in the hospital can sue for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. They would be entitled to recover damages from the Jupiter shopping mall whose premises were unreasonably dangerous for their customers.
The plaintiffs can argue that the Jupiter shopping mall either should have known that the fountain was electrified or would have known if they conducted routine maintenance on the fountain. In this case, a child went into the fountain and several individuals attempted to help him. Those individuals sustained injury as a result of the electrified water. They can argue that the Jupiter shopping center is responsible for their injuries and should be held liable.
Talk to a Florida Electrocution Injury Attorney Today
Electrocution injury lawsuits take several forms. In many cases, they can be filed as premises liability lawsuits or product liability lawsuits. The Florida personal injury attorneys at Halpern, Santos & Pinkert have helped our clients recover major damages for injuries sustained during an electrocution. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help.