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Florida Overloaded Circuit Attorney

When using electrical devices in the home, ranging from your coffee pot to your hairdryer to your phone charger, you have a reasonable expectation that you can use these devices safely. Unfortunately, however, if a home or business’s circuit is overloaded, serious consequences may follow. Here’s what you should know about overloaded circuits, how to prevent them, and what to do if you’ve been injured as a result of a circuit overload in Florida. Our Florida overloaded circuit attorney can help with any questions.

What is a Circuit Overload?

An electrical circuit refers to the combination of electrical wiring, a fuse or breaker, and then the various devices that get plugged into outlets in a home or business, such as lighting fixtures, a refrigerator, etc. An electrical circuit is only designed to handle a limited amount of electricity, which varies from circuit to circuit and home to home. The load on the circuit refers to the portion of the circuit that is using/consuming energy. When an electrical load exceeds the electrical circuit’s capacity—in other words, when there are too many devices/appliances consuming electricity than the circuit is designed to support—the circuit is overloaded. Usually, this will cause the circuit breaker to trip and the power to the entire circuit will be lost.

The Risks of an Overloaded Circuit

In many cases, overloaded circuits aren’t especially dangerous, because the circuit breaker is designed to trip and shut off power to a home’s or business’s circuit. However, this isn’t always the case. The biggest risk of an overloaded circuit, particularly in a circuit system that doesn’t have a breaker, is the risk of the circuit wiring overheating and causing a fire. Electrocution is another risk.

How to Prevent Circuit Overload

One way to prevent serious consequences of a circuit overload is to be able to recognize the signs that your circuit is overloaded. In addition to loss of power, other signs of an overloaded circuit include a burning smell coming from outlets, buzzing lights, lack of sufficient power when using electricity-powered devices/tools, scorched outlets, and dimmed lights.

You can also prevent circuit overload before it happens. If your home’s electrical wiring is outdated and no longer in code, you should invest in a home rewiring and make sure you have a circuit breaker. You can also calculate your circuit load and then pay attention to what devices you are using at once.

Injured? Get Legal Help Today

Two of the greatest risks of an overloaded circuit are the risk of fire and the risk of electrocution, both of which can lead to severe and even life-threatening injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by an overloaded circuit, you may have a claim for damages. At the law office of Halpern, Santos & Pinkert, P.A., we can help you to determine liability for your injuries, calculate your damages, and file a claim to recover compensation. We always offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis.

To learn more about your rights if you’ve been harmed from an overloaded circuit, call us today or send us a message online to request your free consultation.

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