Category Archives: Tire Safety

18-Year-Old Dies In Flying Tire Accident
An 18-year-old woman died after a flying tire struck her windshield. The tire flew over a concrete barrier after becoming unlatched from a truck that was headed in the opposite direction. The incident occurred on I-75. However, maintenance on a vehicle is always the responsibility of the driver. In this article, the Florida flying… Read More »
The Myth of Rim Flange Grooving in Tire Cases
As hot weather leads to more tire failures in Southern states, Miami tire lawyers need to understand how to counter specious defenses raised to deflect attention away from the fact that a tire has been defectively designed or manufactured. One of the defenses commonly encountered by tire lawyers is the defense theory of rim… Read More »
Hot Weather Plus Old Tires – A Deadly Combination for Florida Drivers
As we approach the summer months, Florida tire lawyers will unfortunately see an increase in tire failures resulting in rollovers. This has been an undeniable pattern since steel belted radial tires were introduced four decades ago. Studies have shown that tires, whose chronological age is older than six years, have a higher propensity for… Read More »
Beware the Spare: For Those Unaware Disaster Lurks There
Florida drivers need to be aware that the spare tire may be a hidden time bomb. Heat is a factor that makes tire failures more prevalent in Florida. When old tires heat up, the likelihood of a catastrophic tire failure increases. There have been repeated cases throughout the country and in Florida, involving failures… Read More »
Tire Failures, Rental Car Companies and Consumer Expectations
When one rents a car, there is a certain level of consumer expectation that the vehicle will be delivered in good mechanical repair, and with safe tires which are relatively new. Florida roadways are packed with leased vehicles from numerous rental car companies with very recognizable names. While rental car vehicles are typically washed… Read More »
Florida Legislature Rejects Warnings on Tires
Old tires have been responsible for a trail of misery and grief on Florida roads. Because old tires fail and the date of manufacture is virtually impossible to find and de-code by a lay person, a proposal was submitted to the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee (SB 1482) that would have required consumers to… Read More »
Don’t Blame the Driver When Vehicles Rollover After Tire Failures
Tread separations are a type of tire failure that occurs in warm weather climates like Florida. Tread separations are a specific type of tire failure where the tread peels away from the carcass of the tire. It is quite common for vehicles to veer out of control and rollover when tread separations occur, and… Read More »
Tire Placement – What You Should Know
An issue that has lead to confusion within the tire industry and the general public is the placement of new tires when less than a complete set of four new tires are purchased. The placement of tires is an essential safety element in South Florida because of heat and wetness. In general, while tires… Read More »
Regarding Tread Depth – How Low Can You Go?
Recently, a popular issue of debate has been: at what point should tires be taken out of service due to lack of remaining tread depth? This topic is of particular importance in areas such as Miami, Florida, where there are heavy rains and wet roads, which may lead to hydroplaning – phenomenon where tires… Read More »